Submission fee is $5. Do not include any identifying information on your submission file. We read submissions blind. What this means is: when you submit, what we see consists only of the title of your work and the files you uploaded. We don't see your bio or cover letter until we have declined or accepted your submission. Any submission with individually identifying information will be rejected.
Submissions are now closed! They will open again, more news on that soon! Other inquires or questions can be directed to [email protected].
We seek to publish the very best new fiction, poetry, creative non-fiction, and artwork by established and emerging writers and artists. All manuscripts are given full consideration. We suggest you familiarize yourself with Temenos before you submit; past editions may be viewed on the Home and Archive pages of this website.
We do not accept emailed submissions or previously published work. Only previously unpublished work will be considered. We do accept simultaneous submissions, but ask that you inform us immediately if your work is accepted elsewhere. Please read the following submission guidelines for each category carefully.
We reserve the right to remove published work from our journal if an author/artist is known to be abusive.
We ask that all submissions be in a 12 point, Times New Roman font.
Submissions are now closed! They will open again, more news on that soon! Other inquires or questions can be directed to [email protected].
We seek to publish the very best new fiction, poetry, creative non-fiction, and artwork by established and emerging writers and artists. All manuscripts are given full consideration. We suggest you familiarize yourself with Temenos before you submit; past editions may be viewed on the Home and Archive pages of this website.
We do not accept emailed submissions or previously published work. Only previously unpublished work will be considered. We do accept simultaneous submissions, but ask that you inform us immediately if your work is accepted elsewhere. Please read the following submission guidelines for each category carefully.
We reserve the right to remove published work from our journal if an author/artist is known to be abusive.
We ask that all submissions be in a 12 point, Times New Roman font.
fiction & non-fiction
You may send one piece of prose per $5.00 submission fee; this can be one fiction or one creative non-fiction piece. Please double space all submissions. We rarely publish work that is longer than 4,000 words. Flash fiction and non-fiction are also welcome! If you are submitting flash, you may submit multiple in one document, as long as the total word count is under 4,000.
Please submit no more than five poems (not surpassing ten pages) per $5.00 submission fee. Each poem should begin on a new page.
$5.00 per submission. No more than 5 images/files and one descriptor PDF with the details of your work: for each piece submitted please include year, material used, a short description. Do not include name or artist bio on this document.
Work possibilities include: Comic strips, sculpture, imagery, textiles, functional, non functional, documents, ceramic, food, site based, craftwork, conceptual, tattoo, drawing, illustration, blueprints.
Work possibilities include: Comic strips, sculpture, imagery, textiles, functional, non functional, documents, ceramic, food, site based, craftwork, conceptual, tattoo, drawing, illustration, blueprints.
With your submission's cover letter, please include your full contact information (including your name as you would like it to appear in the journal, your email address, your phone number, and your current physical address). Please also include a third person biography of 50 words or less. All documents must be submitted as .doc, .rtf, or .jpg files (not .docx).
terms of use
If a piece is accepted, Temenos retains first publishing rights, as well as the right to reprint the piece in any “Best of” editions of the magazine. After publication, all rights revert back to the author. If your work is later republished, please acknowledge Temenos in subsequent journals.